Hello! Welcome to dhillaughter's blog of the exciting adventures of Little Miss Danbo (aka. Lil' Mibo) and the Bunnie Family! ♥

Saturday, November 20, 2010

lil' Mibo episode 6 : starbucks

"uuww, white nutty mocha, おいしいそう~"
 "now i'm all full..hehehe"

lil' Mibo episode 5 : feeding the cat

"hey cat, here's your food, come on eat up!"
"here pussy pussy pusssy, it's your lunch..eat, eat!"
 "....eat please?"
"...okay fine don't eat..."

lil' Mibo episode 4 : reading practise

"a book! and it's about a bunny, lets read!"
"no kanjis? now this is my kind of book! :)"
 "newspaper are the worst! i don't know most of the kanjis here... -___-"

lil Mibo episode 3 : first autumn

"yeay! autumn is really here! let's take a walk..lalala~ "
 "it's so cold! brrr~ , i think i'll pile the leaves and make myself a bed! :) "

 "nap time! おやすみなさい!"

lil' Mibo episode 2 : hajimemashite!

"i haven't introduced my self properly on the first episode, so here it goes;
hi! my name is lil' Mibo and i'm starting go get use to my new life in Japan. right now i'm having a really hard time learning japanese, but at least i'm trying! hehe :)
はじめまして 私 は Lil' Mibo です。 よろしく お願いします。"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

lil' Mibo episode 1: missing them

lil' Mibo, is short for little miss danbo 
and this is the first, so called episodes, of her's..
 after adding some effects at adobe photoshop :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

welcome, Miss Danbo

Finally, after waiting for more than a month our Danbo came! :)
Before the summer holidays, me, Edhika, Akira and Rama bought 4 mini danbos at amazon, and it was on sale! *Maaf ya rama, kita ngambil duluan..hehe
Say "Hi!" to Miss Danboooo~~

I haven't had time to open it yet, but just wait for all the adventures that me and Miss Danbo will take, soon *hopefully. ;)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

im in ♥ with papercarfts!

it all started from making a danbo, and than, last night i googled in papercraft and there were a gazillion cute patterns that we could download for free...! yeay! now, i'm sooo addicted to it! hihihi
let me introduce you to my new paper toy :)

and than i made a story of mr. & mrs. milky with mr. danbo :)

can't wait to make another one tomorrow!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making Mr. Danbo

I love reading Yotsuba comic, and there's this one episode where Yotsuba's friend became a Danbo.
Than Edhika told me that there is an actual doll of danbo, it is really cute but expensive too. But lucky for us, Edhika found instructions to make our own danbo. Thank you sooo much Edhika :)
It's a bit hard, but really fun to make. :)

and this is for those of you that would like to have the pattern, enjoy :)