Than Edhika told me that there is an actual doll of danbo, it is really cute but expensive too. But lucky for us, Edhika found instructions to make our own danbo. Thank you sooo much Edhika :)
It's a bit hard, but really fun to make. :)
and this is for those of you that would like to have the pattern, enjoy :)
dil lucu danbonya,haha kepalanya masih copot gak?
ReplyDeleteterima kasiih rama! masih, sengaja, biar danbonya bisa menenggak dan melihat dunia dari berbagai sudut pandang...hehehe :)
ReplyDeleteaihh .... cara lengkap bikin si mr. danbo ini gimana yah :( mau tau doung
ReplyDeletekhusus buat neki-chan uda dla kasih tuh cara bikinnya :D
ReplyDeletehaloo dhilla :D itu kertasnya harus terbuat dari bahan apa ya? trims ^^
ReplyDeletehaloo sarah :)
ReplyDeletedhilla pake kertas biasa aja qo, cuman cari yang aga tebel, jangan setipis A4 biasa..selamat mencoba :)
oke deh ^^ makasi atas sarannya ya :D
ReplyDeletemakasi yaa :D
ReplyDeleteoh iya mau nanya satu lagi, gimana caranya biar tangan plus kepalanya bisa digerakin? aku cuman bisa kakinya aja heuheuhe.
ReplyDeletega, yg dhilla emang senjaga ga d gerakin tangannya, cuman seharusnya bisa gerak...hehe
ReplyDeleteeh, sarah, dhilla mau dong link blognyaa :)
ooh gitu ^^
ReplyDeletebuka aja blog ku terus di kotak sblah kiri ada tulisan follow me :D hehehee
nice danboard :)
ReplyDeletethank you :)